Written by Christian Speaker Network Member, Cameron Garner
One of the most important things that we can learn once we give our lives to Jesus is who He made us to be. In order to do what He has called us to do, we must first understand what our part is and what His part is. We need to know our abilities in Christ. Why? Because where there is ability, there is responsibility. God will not violate His Word. He exalts His Word above His own name and He is not a man that He should lie. His Word is forever settled in Heaven, so we need to understand what He has told us to do as well as how we are to do it as a new creation in Christ.
Let’s start here… When we gave our lives to Jesus, we became something. We became a new creation. The process isn’t about becoming a new creation. It is renewing our minds to what we have already become in the new man. Who we are in the spirit is the real us. To walk in the realities of God consistently, we need to believe in the truth over site. We need to believe the truth over everything.
Mind renewal is key. The Bible teaches us in Romans 12:2 that transformation takes place by renewing the mind. It also reveals that when our minds are renewed, we can prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. This means that life does not reveal the will of God. Those that have their minds renewed can prove what God’s will is. Why? Because they can demonstrate it by faith. Jesus went around changing what was going on in the world due to the fall. This commission is for all of those that believe as well.
When I was younger in the Lord, I shared the Gospel almost everywhere I went. I saw a lot of people give their lives to the Lord. But I have also seen a lot of people who just didn’t believe. I didn’t know who I was in Christ at the time and I didn’t know that I could reveal Jesus in signs and wonders. Since learning who I was in Christ years ago, I have seen countless miracles, healings, prophecy, words of knowledge, and signs that make you wonder, all to the glory of God. The best part is that those that grab a hold of the same revelation begin to see the same reality become theirs in Christ Jesus.
See, God wants to do the same things through us that He did through Jesus and the disciples. Jesus is God, but He functioned as a man with the Spirit of God in Him and upon Him. He became the last Adam and lived under the law, in subjection to the law to fulfill it as a man. This is why He was able to be tempted when God cannot be tempted. He was tempted in the flesh as a man. We also see in the garden that Jesus said, “ Nevertheless not my will, but your will be done”. Jesus has a separate will from the Father that He chose not to walk according to. There is a lot of revelation in this because He is our example of what it looks like to walk as a child of God. We are all growing and at the same time all of creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God. It is time we step up and be who God has called us to be. This starts with knowing our identity in Christ.